Game Development Section

10 May 2015

I've always liked making games and I still do. In my opinion, making games is the most creative way of programming, because you connect drawing, recording music & programming. That's why it's so fun, but I still think that the programming part is the best one ;)
Edit: Uploading my old games is finished, you can find everything in "Old Software" section in the main menu.

Ludum Dare

Nowadays, I enjoy doing Ludum Dare competitions(mainly the August ones). I participated "10 Seconds" and "Evolution" themes.



Engine that enables you to create 2D java games really quickly. It gives you a ready-to-go JFrame with canvas on it and pre-programmed functions like isKeyDown(), getMouseX() and some others. It also provides flexible game skeleton - init, render, update and FPS limiter


Quark is a C++ game template. I say it's a template, because it's not really an engine. It is some code built on top of SDL to provide higher-level access to SDL components. It also gives you flexible game skeleton even with GameStates. It loads textures and sounds based on provided asset index and contains a FPS limiter.

Yes, I'll upload something I'm working on. This page is just a hobby thingy, so be patient if you want to see more :)

Currently I'm working on few secret game projects with my buddy @dudoslav. His page totally reveals more than mine, so you should go check it out - :)

Every developer has their favourite games, so you can read about mine below :)

My favourite games

Most of my gaming time was spent by playing MineCraft, either vanilla or few modpacks from technic launcher. I prefer multiplayer, but I play singleplayer most of time, since my friends don't play MC so much.

Next game I play really often is Spelunky, which I only play on XBOX. I usually rage-quit after short period of time, as I get killed :D

I used to play some League of Legends (I'm on both EUNE and EUW, summoner name: "jaskuu" probably already cancelled :D ). I don't play it very often, because it gets boring over time & it needs to patch very often.

My next gaming passions are old-school games. Not so much old-school, but today it's old-school already. I'm talking about several older free titles like Happy Land Adventures, which I played a lot as child, Icy tower, Chicken Invaders 1. I also love these old legendary strategies - Age of Empires 2 and StarCraft 1. Last but not least, I like some DOS games. These are really funny and I could spend whole days playing these. I'm talking about Hocus Pocus(which I completed), Crystal Caves 1,2 and 3, Prehistorik 1,2, Dangerous Dave, Tunneler and Prince of Persia.